Thursday, 30 October 2014
The pencil that could talk - Part 2
It was a casual day when my aunt Sophie asked me if I wanted to go to circus, "Do you want to go to the circus? I heard they have better stuff there." "Sure aunt," I reply. We left at 1:00pm and arrived at 1:29pm.
"We're here." says aunty Sophie excitedly "Cool," I say "Looks like a lot of fun is in there." "Yup. Of course there's fun in there." says Aunty Sophie. We went into the circus and saw a pencil on the ground, I picked it up thinking that it was just a ordinary pencil. But somehow it opens a little cut in the front as if it was it's mouth. It was a mouth. It said to me, "Help me....." "OK, just be quiet.." I reply "What was that?" Asks Aunty Sophie "Uhmm.. I need to go to the bathroom." I say "Okay" replies Aunt Sophie.
I walk into the bathroom stall wondering why it said that. "What do you mean help me?" I ask the pencil. "I've been treated like an animal... one of those bad animals..." says the pencil "I'll help you, just be quiet." I say to the pencil. I walk out of the bathroom and straight there is my aunty, "That was 1 full hour! Oh my, we'll have to go home. The pencil wasn't on the show and the circus show is done!" "Oh um.. sorry I really had a sore stomach.." I say nervously. "We're going home." Says Aunty Sophie dragging me to the car. I accidentally drop the pencil, "No! Wait!" I shout "Nope, we're going home. I don't care if you dropped anything, we're going home." Says Aunty Sophie
Stay tuned for part 3 next week hopefully.
"We're here." says aunty Sophie excitedly "Cool," I say "Looks like a lot of fun is in there." "Yup. Of course there's fun in there." says Aunty Sophie. We went into the circus and saw a pencil on the ground, I picked it up thinking that it was just a ordinary pencil. But somehow it opens a little cut in the front as if it was it's mouth. It was a mouth. It said to me, "Help me....." "OK, just be quiet.." I reply "What was that?" Asks Aunty Sophie "Uhmm.. I need to go to the bathroom." I say "Okay" replies Aunt Sophie.
I walk into the bathroom stall wondering why it said that. "What do you mean help me?" I ask the pencil. "I've been treated like an animal... one of those bad animals..." says the pencil "I'll help you, just be quiet." I say to the pencil. I walk out of the bathroom and straight there is my aunty, "That was 1 full hour! Oh my, we'll have to go home. The pencil wasn't on the show and the circus show is done!" "Oh um.. sorry I really had a sore stomach.." I say nervously. "We're going home." Says Aunty Sophie dragging me to the car. I accidentally drop the pencil, "No! Wait!" I shout "Nope, we're going home. I don't care if you dropped anything, we're going home." Says Aunty Sophie
Stay tuned for part 3 next week hopefully.
How to be a good Pt Englander
If you want to be a good pt englander then you should always be nice to the teachers, students and visitors. If you aren’t nice to them then they might not like you and you won’t be a successful pt englander. When visitors come you should always be nice to them.
If you want to be a successful pt englander then you should never talk when the teachers talking and you should always listen to the teacher just incase you don’t know what you have to do after you go and do it. If the teacher is telling the class something important then you should not play with your friends while hes talking.
If you annoy someone when they're trying to do there work then you should stop because that’s not being a very good pt englander because if you annoy them then they won’t finish their work and they might have to be in at lunch time. If you keep annoying them then they will tell on you and you will get in trouble.
If you want to be a good pt englander then you should always get good sleep so your good for school the next day. If you don’t get enough sleep then you will not have a nice day like a good pt englander.
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Quinlan and Amber's man on the moon interview
Quinlan and I have made a video learning about the man on the moon and how he creates a mask and goes to a competition. Quinlan and I have done an interview showing you what it is like. We show you the information we have learnt about this book that we have read.
I hope you like it, here is some information about this book.
I hope you like it, here is some information about this book.
The pencil that could talk - Part 1
It was a casual day when my aunt Sophie asked me if I wanted to go to circus, "Do you want to go to the circus? I heard they have better stuff there." "Sure aunt," I reply. We left at 1:00pm and arrived at 1:29pm.
"We're here." says aunty Sophie excitedly "Cool," I say "Looks like a lot of fun is in there." "Yup. Of course there's fun in there." says Aunty Sophie. We went into the circus and saw a pencil on the ground, I picked it up thinking that it was just a ordinary pencil. But somehow it opens a little cut in the front as if it was it's mouth. It was a mouth.
To find out what happens next stay tuned into part 2!
"We're here." says aunty Sophie excitedly "Cool," I say "Looks like a lot of fun is in there." "Yup. Of course there's fun in there." says Aunty Sophie. We went into the circus and saw a pencil on the ground, I picked it up thinking that it was just a ordinary pencil. But somehow it opens a little cut in the front as if it was it's mouth. It was a mouth.
To find out what happens next stay tuned into part 2!
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Monday, 20 October 2014
How to stay safe in the sun
It is very important to keep safe in the sun because you might get skin cancer. If you’re going for a swim at the beach you should put some sunscreen on so you don’t get sunburnt.
If you want to stay safe in the sun, always remember to wear a hat or sunscreen. If you don’t you will probably get sunburnt or skin cancer. You should wear sunglasses too, because if your not wearing them then your eyes will start to hurt and you might get blind.
Did you know that if you don’t wear any sunscreen before you go for a swim, you will get sunburnt. Want to know how? Well, you know how the sun shines down strongly into the water? It will shine down on you and you will get sunburnt.
Do you know what happens when you don’t wear a hat in the sun? You will get sunburnt, or skin cancer. You also need sunscreen too, if you don’t have sunscreen all over your body you could get them (skin cancer, sunburn).
If you don’t want to get sunburn or skin cancer you should always be in the shade, it doesn’t have to be a tree it can be anything.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Holiday Movies
Last week on Saturday, I was really bored. I asked my mum if we could go to the movies. She said yes. So me, my brother and my mum went to the movies.
Once we got to the movies at Sylvia Park I was so excited. I got a large Fro-zone. We got a combo which has 2 ice-creams, 1 bucket of popcorn and 2 Fro-zone drinks. It was finally time to go into the movie room. The people sitting next to us gave us a free trumpet. I didn’t want it so I gave it to my brother.
The movie finally started. “Finally!” I whisper to my mum “Shh!” She says back to me, “It’s starting.” Not to spoil it but, in the movie this vampire from a cave changes him into a vampire. He gets the strength to defeat his enemies.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Amber's Commonwealth Animation
This is my commonwealth games animation. I am so happy that I finished it before the term ended. If I didn't finish it this term I would have nothing on my blog. Hopefully I will post for videos and blog posts on my blog next term.
Here you can see how good I think I've done.
Here you can see how good I think I've done.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Darcy's made friends - Part 3
Last time Darcy had no friends, but this time everything changes.
Darcy was sitting alone eating her yoghurt, when suddenly a new girl came up to her and said, "Hi, I'm Palanquin. I am a new girl at school." "Oh, um.. Hi, Palanquin." Darcy replies. "Um... so do you have any friends? because um-" Palanquin says "I... I don't have any friends to be honest. Do you want to be my friend. But first I have to ask my mum because you might be bad and do bad things." "I don't do bad things. But you can ask you mum." says Palanquin. The school bell rung, lunch time was over. It was home time, too.
After school Darcy ran home with her new friends, Palanquin to ask if Palanquin could be her friend. Her mum said "Is she a blonde?" "Yes." replies Darcy "Then yes." Darcy went outside with Palanquin and started running around. "I'm tired," says Palanquin "Me too," says Darcy. "I'm going to go to sleep." they say at the same time. "Goodnight." says Darcy "Goodnight." says Palanquin.
Darcy was sitting alone eating her yoghurt, when suddenly a new girl came up to her and said, "Hi, I'm Palanquin. I am a new girl at school." "Oh, um.. Hi, Palanquin." Darcy replies. "Um... so do you have any friends? because um-" Palanquin says "I... I don't have any friends to be honest. Do you want to be my friend. But first I have to ask my mum because you might be bad and do bad things." "I don't do bad things. But you can ask you mum." says Palanquin. The school bell rung, lunch time was over. It was home time, too.
After school Darcy ran home with her new friends, Palanquin to ask if Palanquin could be her friend. Her mum said "Is she a blonde?" "Yes." replies Darcy "Then yes." Darcy went outside with Palanquin and started running around. "I'm tired," says Palanquin "Me too," says Darcy. "I'm going to go to sleep." they say at the same time. "Goodnight." says Darcy "Goodnight." says Palanquin.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Friday, 29 August 2014
Samoan Narrative Writing
As I woke up to the birds tweeting in the sky, I jumped out of bed and looked out the window. “What a lovely day to go for a bike ride. I wonder if my friends want to come”. I grabbed my bike and rode down to Rosalina’s house and knocked on her door. “Hi!” Rosalina says “Hi!” I reply “Do you wanna go for a bike ride?”. “Sure” Says Rosalina “I’ll go get my bike”. “Okay.” I say.
Rosalina came out around her backyard with her bike and helmet, “I’m ready!” she says. “Okay, let’s go” I reply “But wait, I’m gonna go see if Quinlan wants to come” “Okay, I’ll come with you” Rosalina says. We went down to Quinlan’s house and knocked on her door “Hi, is Quinlan aloud to come with us on a bike ride?” “Sure. Quinlan! Your friends are here” “Coming…” She says while she rushes down the stairs. “Wanna go on a bike ride?” I ask her “Sure, let me get my bike”. Quinlan ran to her backyard and grabbed her bike “Let’s go. Is anyone else coming?” “No,” I reply “Let’s go”.
We were riding our bikes up and down the street when suddenly a car appears in front of us leading us to doom, we tried to turn but there was 2 men carrying a glass window to a building and we crashed into it. The broken glass popped our tires and we fell down a huge cliff, but luckily there was a river. But little did we know, it was a time traveling river!
It sent us to the dinosaurs age! “Ahhh!!” We all scream as we got teleported. “Where are we?” We all ask each other. “I don’t know! do you think this is… the dinosaur age??” I ask. “How will we even survive?” Quinlan asks “Eat a dinosaur?” Rosalina replies “Of course not!” Quinlan says “How will we even get a dinosaur down? It will eat us!” “I know” Rosalina says. “Stop whining! We need to get out of here! Where is the river we came out of?” I say curiously “Is it that river?” Rosalina says pointing to a random river. “No! It’s right behind us, duh!” Quinlan says. “Ohhh” says Rosalina “Let’s go before that dinosaur eats us!” I scream.
We all jump in the river just in time and we teleport to the cliff. “We’re home! Well, sort of…” Quinlan says. “I guess we’re stuck down here unless we can climb up?” Rosalina asks “We can try to climb, I guess. Let’s try” Quinlan says. We tried to climb but we just fell down, but we got back up because we can always try again. We climbed up once again and yay! It worked! We were up! Just before 6:00pm. If we weren't home by 6:10pm we would be in trouble! Oh wait… It’s 8:00pm.
Darcy's start to school: Part 2
One day Darcy went to school with her popular brother. People were making big fun of her. They were throwing stuff at her, too. She ran to class and put her bag in the cloak bay, sat down and started reading her book. People started walking into class and randomly mocked her. Poor Darcy!
A few hours later, about 2 hours, the bell had rung for morning tea. Darcy had packed banana yogurt, a wholemeal sandwich and an apple. Darcy ate her yogurt and apple, leaving the wholemeal sandwich for lunch. She never went to play, she just sat under a tree. She thought the tree knew her well, it did. She named the tree, Tree. The bell had rung, once again. “Time to go to class!” Darcy says while she stands up. “Goodbye Tree, see you at lunch.” But little did she know, Tree wouldn’t be there because…
Monday, 25 August 2014
Tuis Samoan Similarities
For 2 whole weeks we have had to make a DLO about Samoa. Do you even know what DLO is? If you don't, it's a Digital Learning Object. A.K.A... A Movie. So we did this little movie about the Similarities between Samoa & New Zealand. Here is a few things I have learnt;
The buses are free in Samoa
The capital city of Samoa is Apia, it is pronounced as Abia.
Samoa & New Zealand are different because not much people in New Zealand eat Coconut. But In Samoa everyone does.
The things I didn't like about the planning and making was that whenever I wanted to do a plan the other team-mates would deny it. I don't know why they would deny but I think they just don't like the planning.
The things I liked about doing the planning and making the movie was how we would keep having to restart over and over again once we've made a mistake. That's when it had gotten funny.
So sit back, Relax, and enjoy the video!
Thursday, 21 August 2014
My high bar
The High Bar 3.3.00
WALT: Analyze surface features and the language usedThe authors describe the high bar in different ways by giving it human/animal like characteristics (personification and simile (using the words ‘as’ or ‘like’). List examples of these characteristics below.
The human or living characteristics of the high bar, gravity, her legs.
Copy the sentences from the story here.
The high bar is a DARK DEMON.
To small to reach the High bar.
Inpatient like a wild horse.
And the bar glows softly at her.
Using personification. Write a sentence personifying the items/objects listed below.
Write your sentences below.
a netball or rugby ball being passed to you.
When my friend passed the Netball to me it hit my face.
a kayak
Today I was waiting for my turn on the kayak.
your netbook
I nearly broke my Netbook by dropping it but lucky it was in the cover
your shoes
I made a mess in the class because I didn’t take off my shoes.
Using simile. Write a sentence that describes these items/objects like something else.
Write your sentences below.
the grass
Soft like a pillow.
a kayak
Is hard like a wood or a rock.
a pair of scissors
Is like a knife.
a pie
Yummy like a treat.
The human or living characteristics of the high bar, gravity, her legs.
Copy the sentences from the story here.
The high bar is a DARK DEMON.
To small to reach the High bar.
Inpatient like a wild horse.
And the bar glows softly at her.
Write your sentences below.
a netball or rugby ball being passed to you.
When my friend passed the Netball to me it hit my face.
a kayak
Today I was waiting for my turn on the kayak.
your netbook
I nearly broke my Netbook by dropping it but lucky it was in the cover
your shoes
I made a mess in the class because I didn’t take off my shoes.
Write your sentences below.
the grass
Soft like a pillow.
a kayak
Is hard like a wood or a rock.
a pair of scissors
Is like a knife.
a pie
Yummy like a treat.
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Darcy's start to school
Darcy has been picked on at school because she wears glasses. But she’s pretty without them. But when she has them on they call her a geek. When she takes them off she can’t see, so she has to keep them on. Her brother is popular, too, and Darcy is jealous.
Monday, 11 August 2014
Swimming Event
Did you know swimming started in the first century and has been in the Olympics since 1896. Captain Matthew Webb he has was the first recorded person to swim, He has been swimming since 19th January 1848 to 24th July 1883. When people swim 50 percent of them have pain in there shoulder.
Lauren Boyle is a Swimmer that represent New Zealand, She was the fourth fastest in the heats of 400meter freestyle 4:03.63. Lauren has completed three commonwealth games and two Olympics Games, I reckon Captain Matthew Webb and Lauren Boyle will win the Gold for New Zealand only if Matthew Represented New Zealand.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
World War 1
Why is today special? Today is special because it is the 4th of August 2014. Why is the 4th of August 2014 special? Well, the 1st ever World War 1 was ended on this day. No, not this year, the year was 1914. That was 100 years ago. Want to know why this started? It all started when a 'king' was in his carriage. Another man came along and shot him.
1 country were mad at the person who shot him, and the other country was against the 'king' who died. So they made war. And that is how the World War 1 started.
Here is a video of a few facts of the first world war.
1 country were mad at the person who shot him, and the other country was against the 'king' who died. So they made war. And that is how the World War 1 started.
Here is a video of a few facts of the first world war.
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
What I did in the weekends
In the weekends I drew with chalk out on my back porch. I used the colours: Pink, White, Baby Blue, Green, Cyan, Purple, Orange, Yellow and Sky Blue. After I did that stuff, I went to go buy some food from the shops. I came home and I heard my Nan was going to go shopping, I decided to come. I brought my FIRST onesie!!
My High Bar Animation
This term, term 3, my new literacy teacher, Mr. Somerville, has given each of our groups an animation to do. My group has been given the High bar animation. Have you ever been on a high bar before? I haven't.
It seems scary, but fun. The first thing I thought about the animation was "How am I going to make her swing on the High Bar?". But I guess I did it. Enjoy :)
Friday, 25 July 2014
My Holidays
2 Weeks ago the holidays started. There was nothing to do but sit and watch T.V., but I couldn’t because my brother was on the XBOX. So I went on the computer and played mine craft. After a while, about ½ an hour, my mum said “Who wants to see Dawn of The Planet of The Apes?”. “Me!!” I shouted, “Me!” shouted my brother, secondly. “Okay,” says mum. “I’ll buy the tickets”.
I’ve always wanted to see that movie. She then bought tickets online, then we went to go get some drinks & candy. Yum! A while later it was almost time for the movie, at Sylvia Park.
We rushed to the theatre & asked for our seats. My mum gave the ticket to this man and we went to the X-treme screen, it wasn’t ready yet, so we had to wait outside on these seats. 3 minutes later we got to go in! Yay! The movie was about 3 - 4 hours long.
After the movie, we went home. Then it was all from the start, just no movie.
We LOVED the movie, it was so much fun there. I want to see it again! But if we’ve seen it already, we can’t see it again. Later on that night my mum said, “Remember, you’re starting to have early nights, because school’s coming on Monday”. “Okay, mum” me and my brother said. When it came to around 11:00pm or 10:50pm, mum then said “Bedtime” “Okay” said my brother “Okay” I said after him.
Friday, 4 July 2014
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Superhero Creative Writing
Hi my name is Aoli Sweet, I am 17 years old. People don’t know I have super abilities, I got them when I turned 12. I wished and wished when I was young for superpowers and it came true. I have good abilities, my first super power is a laser that comes out of my eyes.
This afternoon I was having a quick nap til’ I heard a very, very, big sound. It kind of sounded like a lamb choking on a carrot. I got up very quick rushing to my window, all I saw was a black sky with grey & white sparkles. I was terrified because of the sky color but I got over it and rushed downstairs to the front door. “Oh no... it’s you again!” I said with fear. “Yes, it is I, Rick Port! I am here to stop you and make sure you will never be heard of again!” he said.
Rick Port is a guy I’ve been enemies with since 4th grade. I was using a chalk color that he wanted but I never gave it, I was doing my own artwork. He started pushing me and crying but I just stood there with the chalk. Anyway, what happened was he rushed into my house grabbing my neck and pushing me to the wall. I was terrified and struggled to get out. Nothing worked, so I used my powers and made lasers come out of my eyes. He stepped back trying not to get burnt, he ran to my phone called his backup then he smashed it. I was seriously fearful.
I ran to my room, locked the door but he just got in, somehow. I was very scared, so I jumped out of the window, bad luck, I fell splat on my face, OUCH! Ugh.
I got up and ran to a random persons house and locked their door. I started to get embarrassed. “Oh… Uh… I…I… I uhm… I thought this was -” I got cut off by the person. “Stop, who are you?” they said. “I am… I am… I am Aoli Sweet, a girl who is getting defeated by my enemy…” I replied. “There’s no such thing as enemies or superheros, the only thing that is real in this world is peace, not war” The person told me with a smile.
I realised there was only one thing to do… I had to stop this madness. “Thank you for telling me that, I have a NEW job to do. Goodbye!” I said unlocking the door. “You’re very welcome, goodbye!” he said as I rushed out the door. I went up to my enemy and said “Stop right there! I know we are enemies and all but this world needs peace & love, not war. We should stop and just be friends. I’m sorry, Rick,” I said with a frown. Rick looked at me and said, “I’m sorry too, Aoli. I want to be friends again, let’s pinkie promise we won’t fight again”. We did a pinkie promise.
We became best friends and played together all day. I hope you guys who are reading this can sort this out with your enemy.
And that was how I became best friends with my enemy.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Thursday, 19 June 2014
'Summer Is Here!'
Summer Is Here!
“Summer is here!” I shouted out from my room excitedly. I really wanted to go to the beach. I looked out the window for a few seconds. Then I burst downstairs rushing to the kitchen to ask my mum if I could go, I did the puppy eyes. My mum glared into my eyes and said, “Yes, you can go to the beach. But remember, get shoes before going onto the sand! It may burn your feet!”.
I forgot all about my shoes, because I was too excited. I rushed out the door, I got my cellphone and texted my best friends. ‘Come to the beach, I’ll be there!’. They all texted back. ‘Sure, we just need to get ready. We’ll be there by 4 o’clock’.
I was like fire as I ran to the beach, leaving footprints on the grass. I finally got the beach. I took one step on the sand, 2 steps, 3. Each step felt like I was standing on lava. My feet were red, very red. I stared at my feet. I sprinted to the water as quick as I could, “Ahhhh….. That’s better” I said.
My phone time hit 4 o’clock, my friends finally came. They had immediately saw me standing in the water. They ran down to me, “Why are you in the water now? I thought it would of been cold!” one of them said. “Well…..” I was embarrassed. My friends stared at me. They didn’t care, so they ran into the water and splashed me.
It started to get late, so we all went home. We had the best day EVER!
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Wanted Poster
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
My Mum
My mum is amazing!! My mum is the best mum I could EVER have, she plays with me, she is funny, she makes my lunch for school everyday. I am so thankful for having my mum in my life if I had 1 wish I would wish for her to never leave me. I can’t live without my mum, I wish I could spend the whole day with her. Yet, I can’t.
I love my mum, she is 34, but I still love her. She is my mum and only my mum. My mom is so great she's always on my side, I love her so much, and she the greatest mom i can ever have! When I am sick my mum would make me warm chicken noodle soup, yurem! Mummy you a 1 in a million, I can’t imagine having another mum. I’d have sleepless nights without you and I was sick and you took care of me and you said you loved me. Having my mum in my life.
Thursday, 29 May 2014
The Disaster That Shocked The World
In 1911 the titanic was built. It was the BIGGEST ship to EVER be built. It was bigger then a human, a car, and EVEN a airplane, want to know why it isn't around anymore? Well, one night the Titanic was sailing across the sea. One of the captains saw an iceberg and told the captain. He didn't listen, so one of the captains tried to turn the ship before it went through the iceberg, but when they turned the side scraped the iceberg and sunk after one hour. In that hour they left 1114 or 1115 people left in the freezing water…. After about 30 minutes they all froze to death… They died. Did you know they didn't put a lot of people on the boats? One of the boats could fit up to 62 people but they only put 31 on. The Titanic started zooming down in the water, like a torpedo. Parts came off and now its in the freezing, cold, Atlantic ocean. It’s gone forever. This is a disaster that is famous, but we will always remember the people who died on there. If you ever want to find the Titanic, I would never want to, want to know why? I think you would freeze to death, just like how everyone else did.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
My XtraMath Scores
Thursday, 15 May 2014
The Boat Race
We have been reading about some students that research model boats the will move in water. Then the make some for a race in the school pool.
If I was in the race I would...
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Zeke Meeks VS The Horrifying TV Turn-Off Week
Hello, I have been reading a book; Called Zeke Meeks Vs The HORRIFYING TV Turn-Off Week. It is a really cool book! I love how he finds good books in his closet, and starts doing crossword puzzles. Then he starts to read a book about snakes, he also learns that there is a snake called a Python! I never knew that either... I just learned something new! I should REALLY start reading more books when I can't watch TV or go on the computer... OR on the XBOX OR on the play station OR on ANYTHING! I suggest that's what you do, too. You should start reading books, I am, too. I hope you find this book, but.... These books didn't even come out in the school library! Isn't that cool?? It is to me! If you EVER find this book in the library, you should TOTALLY read this book, remember, the name is called;
Zeke Meeks VS The Horrifying TV Turn-Off Week
Make sure to read it! Thank you for reading my book review, bye!
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
NZ Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Menu
Here is my New Zealand Menu

And here is my Malawi Menu
And I learnt we have more recourses then Malawi does and that we have MANY choices of food to choose from. Malawi only has about one choice. In Malawi it does not rain that much, so they don't have much food. The only food they have is; Tobacco, Maize and Corn. They have to wake up really early to go to school.
And here is my Malawi Menu
And I learnt we have more recourses then Malawi does and that we have MANY choices of food to choose from. Malawi only has about one choice. In Malawi it does not rain that much, so they don't have much food. The only food they have is; Tobacco, Maize and Corn. They have to wake up really early to go to school.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Sink or Float
Hello, We have been learning about what floats or what sinks. Here is some of my information!
Why do some things float while others sink?
If the bottle with lots of things will make it sink, with nothing in a bottle it will float.
Diet Coke Can,
Sink or Float?
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Wanna know what I did in the holidays? Well… Theres A LOT of things I did in the holidays.. But the one I’ll tell you about is when I went to the movies to watch The Lego Movie. When I went to the movies to watch The Lego Movie I was SOOOO excited to see it, because I am OBSESSED with Lego things! Non-stop loving Lego!!!! I mean, who doesn’t? Do you like lego or hate lego? Anyways! I went with my Mum and Brother.
When we got into the movies we had to get our tickets first, I mean how would you get in? As we waited it was FINALLY time for the lego movie! So we went up to the lady and asked, “Is the Lego Movie ready yet?” She said, “Yes,” “Go ahead into those doors.” So we walked into the…. X-TREME SCREEN DOORS!!!! As we walked up the ramp we saw… The biggest screen, EVER! It was bigger than my face! We watched the movie, it took about 1 or half an hour till it finished.
When the movie was done we went outside to where the doors were to go back home and it was raining! Yuck yuck rain! So we HAD TO walk through ALL the rain, just to get to the car.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Buoyancy Experiment - Coca-Cola
We have been learning about buoyancy with Mr. Barks! We have done it with two bottles of coca-cola! one diet and one not diet! Here's my animation of what we did..!
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
My story about the Easter Bunny
Want to read a story about the Easter Bunny? Well heres a story!
Once upon a time there was a little bunny called Easter. It was a stormy night, everyone was asleep in bed, some were snoring, some were not. When the people were sleeping Easter pooped out chocolate eggs! As it got lighter he ran to the houses as fast as he could and placed them on their lawn, trampolines, inside the fridges as well! Easter the bunny even put them in their garage. How does Easter get in the houses and garages? He did that to all the houses in New Zealand, but he got his other brothers, Chocolate, Eggs, Gold and Silver to deliver the eggs in more countries. When they got delivered they ran to their own house in Sylvia Park. You should've already seen it haven’t you? If you have, you should know what I mean. It hit morning at 7:00am and lots of people woke up running outside to see what they got! “Wow! Chocolates! The Easter Bunny must be true!” said one little girl picking up an Easter egg. The little girls parents came outside searching for her, they said, “Oh thank goodness shes not taken away by someone, shes just outside picking up Easter eggs”. The Easter Bunny flew over houses letting people see he was real, he dropped thousands of chocolates over houses, and everyone lived happily ever after. The end. Easter means to me that...
It represents the day Jesus came back for us. He is our savour!!!
What does Easter mean to you?
Easter Bunny,
Auckland, New Zealand
Monday, 14 April 2014
Noah The Moa
Noah the Moa is a New Zealand bird, it can't fly, it can't do most things... But the one thing it can do it stand proud in the museum. I know, I know, their extinct, but its in the museum standing there.. staring at you, its dead, but its still there! That's the only Moa alive, well.. You know.. its a saying.... If Noah the Moa came back to life, I would.... Jump on his back and ride him, I would... Play games with him, If he could talk we could even share secrets! We would... Be random and dance to music, if he can dance with 2 legs and no arms! Noah the Moa could take us back to where he use to live.. The forest! Yes the forest! Noah the Moa could take us back to the forest, that's where he grew up... of course! People use to hunt them down... that's why this would never happen... if it did.. that would be awesome! But.. its truly all gone.. Luckily New Zealand is trying to keep our kiwis safe, and alive. They are trying to keep.. Nearly every animal in New Zealand alive. If these were not real, I wouldn't be talking about any of this! If the Moa was still alive, What would you do with it?
Here's a picture of the Moa I would go on.
Friday, 4 April 2014
My maths progress
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Native things in New Zealand...
I am learning about New Zealand Native things, like native trees, Ferns, Etc.. I hope you enjoy! I am not done but if you want to see more, check back later!
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Why we use a knife and fork to eat
Why do we use a knife and fork to eat?
Have you ever wondered why we use
to cut things into bite size pieces, so that we don’t get germs on our food and so that we don’t get someone in our family embarrassed when we’re out eating.
to cut things into bite size pieces, so that we don’t get germs on our food and so that we don’t get someone in our family embarrassed when we’re out eating.
Why we use a knife and fork
The reason why we use a knife and fork to eat is because if we use our hands, we might get sticky hands, and if you go on a computer and touch the keyboard, you will make the keyboard sticky, then someone else will go on there and touch the stickiness and they will have YOUR germs.
Keeping Clean
The reason why you use a knife and fork is so its not messy and you keep nice and clean. If you use your hands your hands will get very sticky, dirty and you will spread germs.
Bite Sized Pieces
The reason why we use a knife and fork is so that we can cut it into bite sized pieces.
YOU should use a knife and fork to eat because we could get sticky or dirty hands, you can spread germs too you know!
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Explanation Writing Assessment
Needs work
Getting there
Got it!
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No title or title doesn't have to do with the topic.
Title has to do with the topic but doesn't give very much information. (e.g. “Snails.”).
Title gives information about what the explanation will tell you (e.g. “How snails eat.”).
Explanation is not broken into paragraphs.
Explanation has paragraphs but it does not have one idea per paragraph.
Explanation has one idea per paragraph, and includes an introduction and summary.
There are no special words that relate to your topic.
There are some special words that relate to your topic, but some are missing.
All the special words that relate to your topic are there.
Doesn't use joining words like because or so to show cause and effect.
Doesn't use timeless present tense.
Sometimes uses joining words to show cause and effect. Mostly uses timeless present tense.
Uses joining words to show cause and effect whenever this is needed. Always uses timeless present tense.
Explanation of events is not in sequence.
Explanation of events is mostly in sequence.
Explanation of events is in sequence.
Hardly ever uses full stops, commas and capital letters correctly.
Usually uses capital letters, commas and full stops correctly.
Almost always or always uses capital letters, commas and full stops correctly.
My next step is to explain paragraphs that have one idea per paragraph.
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