
Wednesday 14 May 2014

Zeke Meeks VS The Horrifying TV Turn-Off Week

Hello, I have been reading a book; Called Zeke Meeks Vs The HORRIFYING TV Turn-Off Week. It is a really cool book! I love how he finds good books in his closet, and starts doing crossword puzzles. Then he starts to read a book about snakes, he also learns that there is a snake called a Python! I never knew that either... I just learned something new! I should REALLY start reading more books when I can't watch TV or go on the computer... OR on the XBOX OR on the play station OR on ANYTHING! I suggest that's what you do, too. You should start reading books, I am, too. I hope you find this book, but.... These books didn't even come out in the school library! Isn't that cool?? It is to me! If you EVER find this book in the library, you should TOTALLY read this book, remember, the name is called;

Zeke Meeks VS The Horrifying TV Turn-Off Week

Make sure to read it! Thank you for reading my book review, bye!

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