Why do we use a knife and fork to eat?
Have you ever wondered why we use
to cut things into bite size pieces, so that we don’t get germs on our food and so that we don’t get someone in our family embarrassed when we’re out eating.
to cut things into bite size pieces, so that we don’t get germs on our food and so that we don’t get someone in our family embarrassed when we’re out eating.
Why we use a knife and fork
The reason why we use a knife and fork to eat is because if we use our hands, we might get sticky hands, and if you go on a computer and touch the keyboard, you will make the keyboard sticky, then someone else will go on there and touch the stickiness and they will have YOUR germs.
Keeping Clean
The reason why you use a knife and fork is so its not messy and you keep nice and clean. If you use your hands your hands will get very sticky, dirty and you will spread germs.
Bite Sized Pieces
The reason why we use a knife and fork is so that we can cut it into bite sized pieces.
YOU should use a knife and fork to eat because we could get sticky or dirty hands, you can spread germs too you know!
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Explanation Writing Assessment
Needs work
Getting there
Got it!
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No title or title doesn't have to do with the topic.
Title has to do with the topic but doesn't give very much information. (e.g. “Snails.”).
Title gives information about what the explanation will tell you (e.g. “How snails eat.”).
Explanation is not broken into paragraphs.
Explanation has paragraphs but it does not have one idea per paragraph.
Explanation has one idea per paragraph, and includes an introduction and summary.
There are no special words that relate to your topic.
There are some special words that relate to your topic, but some are missing.
All the special words that relate to your topic are there.
Doesn't use joining words like because or so to show cause and effect.
Doesn't use timeless present tense.
Sometimes uses joining words to show cause and effect. Mostly uses timeless present tense.
Uses joining words to show cause and effect whenever this is needed. Always uses timeless present tense.
Explanation of events is not in sequence.
Explanation of events is mostly in sequence.
Explanation of events is in sequence.
Hardly ever uses full stops, commas and capital letters correctly.
Usually uses capital letters, commas and full stops correctly.
Almost always or always uses capital letters, commas and full stops correctly.
My next step is to explain paragraphs that have one idea per paragraph.